1st Edition Business Cards

In the beginning there were business cards. Fulfilling our high end luxury business card desires was no easy task. Between online comparison shopping, and trying out how..

When dream becomes reality the cost of luxury business cards is approximately 2 for $1. We have MOO.com to thank, a company we admire for their high end quality print/promotional products, and use of post-consumer recycled paper and packaging materials.

Fulfilling our high end business card desires was no easy task. Between online comparison shopping, and trying out how slight design variations looked in each company’s online application, there were many decisions to make. All with slight anxiety over how the design will actually look and feel, there’s a lot of anticipation when gauging which vendor, material, add-on options verses quantity and overall cost are the right to choose.

Have you considered making new business card recently? Sign up to receive free business card & other print promotion samples at the company’s website we mentioned previously. Feel free to let us know if you’d like a hand with graphic design for business cards services, or have any other questions.

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