Gardner Health Services x Zeal Tech

We've handled a range of assignments in collaboration with Zeal Tech (Hood River, Oregon) for San Diego, California based Community Health organization Gardner Health Services. With its interactive Find a Health Center Map...

Health Services website development

We’ve handled a range of assignments in collaboration with Zeal Tech (Hood River, Oregon) for San Diego, California based Community Health organization Gardner Health Services. With its interactive Find a Health Center Map, user-friendly Health Services pages and more, the GHS website is welcoming and informative.

Interactive map of locations

Interactive map of locations

Find a Health Center Map with easy-to-use content management system for GHS locations

Location details page

Location details page

Offering location address, hours, contact information and more

Paginated services directory

Paginated services directory

With the option to schedule appointments and more, the GHS services page allow patients to quickly find what they're looking for

The opportunity to work on this website has allowed us to contribute to the wealth of outreach services & support Gardner has to offer. This health services provider promotes fundraisers & outreach services and sponsors cultural events for the community.

Visit Website
Project Tags:
  • Collaboration
  • Google Maps
  • Website Development
  • Wordpress
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